Here are some code metrics each developer should be tracking all along. Cyclomatic complexity: Cyclomatic complexity of a program is the count of the number of linearly independent paths of execution. If the source code contained no decision points ( such as 'if' 'switch' 'while' ), the complexity would be 1, FLAT CODE, since there is only a single path through the code. If the code has a single ‘if’ statement there would be two paths through the code, one path where the ‘if’ statement is evaluated as true and one path where the ‘if’ statement is evaluated as false. So the complexity increasing with number of decision points in your code. If you have not written your decision statements properly, it will lead you into unnecessary conditions and hence complexity of the program increases. Measuring CC tells you 2 important things. How many ways your execution may end up. If you have higher CC, then maybe you can re-write your logic to make fewer conditions. It t...