I have used jQuery animate() method to create a simple slideshow. I am toggling the opacity of the image from 0 to 1 and also changing the URL of the image. Script: function AnimateImg() { var imgUrls = new Array("picture1.png", "picture2.png", " picture3.png "); var opacVal = 0; var currentImage = imgUrls[0]; var index = 0; var DELAY = 1000; setInterval(function() { $("#animate-img").animate({ opacity: opacVal }, DELAY, function() { if (opacVal == 0) { opacVal = 1; } else { opacVal = 0; } if (index == imgUrls.length) { index = 0; } if (opacVal == 0) { currentImage = imgUrls[index++]; $("#animate-img").attr("src", currentImage); } }); }, DELAY ); } HTML: ...