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A jQuery modal wait dialog

The jQuery UI modal dialogs are great add-ons but they don’t necessary fit well when you just have to show a wait message. There are issues with removing the title bar and styling the dialog. BlockUI is another alternative but I find it little hard to style using css. This is how I came up with a wait dialog. I am using two divs here. First div will cover the page content in such a way that the content is still visible but user cannot perform any action. For this, I need a div with near transparent background (opacity of 0.8).        #loading-div-background       {         display : none ;         position : fixed ;         top : 0 ;         left : 0 ;         background : black ;         width : 100% ;         height : 100% ;      } The second div will contain an animated image and it can be positioned centrally in the page.        #loading-div     {           width : 300px ;          height : 200px ;          background-color
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